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Online Classes

Hello everyone, Happy September! Are you guys feeling the Summer wind down? Fall is usually a very spiritual and transformative time of year for me, as it represents rest and retreat for me, also, a time to bond in a different way— a more inward way with my loved ones.

So this month’s Monday Morning Intentions, I wanted to talk/share some about my online Courses— Kerry Winchell, LPC Online Classes. Right now there are 2 courses being offered, 1. Emotional Eating and Compulsive Overeating and 2. Work-Life Balance for Helping Professionals. These courses are designed to help you help yourself at your own pace, so there’s no deadline to complete them. The Emotional Eating and Compulsive Overeating course is intended to help someone struggling with this:

  • Learn how the brain responds to feeling satiated

  • Improve decision making skills surrounding food/eating

  • Understand and differentiate hunger cues from cravings

  • Increase your self-awareness about eating patterns that may not be serving you

  • Obtain tips on replacing unhealthy eating behaviors with practical healthy eating behaviors

The Work-Life Balance for Helping Professionals is intended for those possibly struggling with burnout, anxiety, compassion fatigue or complacency due to challenges balancing work and personal life to:

  • Identify barriers to your development as a helping professional

  • Identify and explore ways in which you may be blocking yourself from thriving

  • Prepare to improve your self-care regimen

  • Increase professional efficacy in how you deliver services

These classes are offered on my online program and in an in person setting as well-- Please visit KWLPC Online Classes to learn more. I am looking forward to receiving your feedback or any questions you may have. Have a great month and I will catch up with you later!

*Video image credits: pixel,,, wikipedia, kwlpc

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